Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Jumpstart! Day 2

DAY 2: TODAY has been about FAMILY FUN!! I don't do my workouts on weekends but I try to stay active. I get my REST in too! Today we took a trip to the Johnstown Children's Museum and made some
Memories with my little ones! My husband is gone unfortunately, but we were brave and got up and out and about and I'm SO glad we did! So here goes a couple of tips for JUMPSTARTING YOUR JANUARY:DAY 2!!
FITNESS MOVE: REST-yep! Your body needs it and it is an art these days! It really takes discipline to REST!
DIET TIP: Think of food as fuel. What are you fueling your body with? Where does it come from, what's in it and how do those ingredients affect your body? Eat to live don't live to eat!😉 This is especially difficult for me as I LOVE, rich, unhealthy foods! It's not that I can't have those, I just can't have them daily or I will not be healthy and well!
YOUNG LIVING PRODUCT: Slique Tea. It's something I just started trying this week and I have to say, I enjoy the flavor with a teaspoon of honey! It helps me avoid coffee drinking daily. Coffee lover here!🙋🏻 Too much caffeine reaks havoc on our bodies (messes with hormones and blood sugar balance)!! The tea also has some wonderful health benefits. You can check the tea out HERE.
FOOD FOR YOIR SPIRIT: "Do you not know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
The price was Jesus' life on the cross. He bought us. Paid for our sin and died to make a way for us to be reconciled with God! He gave us one body to honor Him with! Let's take the best care of it we know how and are able!!! Be cautious and thoughtful about what is going in it, on it and around it!😊For the believer, it is the Holy Spirit's living space.
JAM of the DAY: "My Story" By Big Daddy Weave...
Much love and hugs to you all today!

***I am not a licensed professional. Please ask your primary care physician before starting any new workout program. None of the statements above are meant to treat, prevent, diagnose or cure anything.***

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