Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Jumpstart! Day 3

DAY 3: I started a NEW WORKOUT today for the first time in over a year!!! JUMPSTART, RIGHT?! Last year's workout was a foundation builder. This year's is continuing maintenance and growth. It was HARD! But my body will thank me later.;-):-) It was also my FIRST day back to early morning workouts since my kid's break started, YUCK! My eyes were so heavy and those covers OH SO WARM when I woke up! But I chose to get up and get my blood pumping and I KNOW I'm having a better day NOW because of it. You can TOTALLY make the same CHOICE!! You've got this!
FITNESS MOVE: Tricep presses/kickbacks (we worked on bicep-the larger arm muscle, time to balance that out) I have a band that I stick above any door. Face the door, grab handles, start with elbows a little behind you and pull back until your arms are straight, then release until your hands are in front again and repeat. Add this to the bicep curls and do 3 sets of 15. If you want a band, check out amazon for workout bands! super inexpensive and easy to use ANY WHERE! If you want to do the tricep kick back instead, you can see that here.
DIET TIP: Get your greens in!! You HAVE TO! Your body needs to many vitamins and nutrients that are found in things like spinach, kale, dark leafy greens. You can add a hand full or two of spinach to a morning fruit smoothie and not taste it a bit!! No excuses!!;-) I have a ningxia blender which really helps because it makes the texture completely smooth. If you're blender is not that great, it could be stringy... YUCK!
YOUNG LIVING SUPPLEMENT: Sorry, I have two today!! Lemon EO and Grapefruit EO. These two are VERY inexpensive and have ENDLESS health benefits, including powerful antioxidants and metabolism support!! I took both as a dietary supplement in a capsule this morning, post workout. You can read more about them HERE and HERE. If you'd like to purchase them, contact me!
FOOD FOR YOU SPIRIT: "For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14
Did you know that God thought of you and created you? This is what the Bible teaches. God CREATES life in the womb. Yes, He's given us the pleasure of participating, but HE does the creating. HE SET THAT UP!! You are so valuable to Him. As you make good choices about treating your body well, you are taking care of the ONE BODY He gave you. And HIS WORKS ARE WONDERFUL!!! That means your body is WONDERFUL and needs your best efforts at caring for it. At times, we struggle with self-care because we do not realize our value. You are worth it! God says so!!
JAM of the day: Trip Lee's "Monolo" THIS JAM IS PERFECT MID WORKOUT... for me...wink emoticon ‪#‎jumpstartyourjanuary‬

Hugs and Love to you today! You've got this! Don't quit!

***I am not a licensed professional. Please ask your primary care physician before starting any new workout program. None of the statements above are meant to treat, prevent, diagnose or cure anything.***

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