DAY 4: JUMPSTART!! I am SO SORE!!!!! Ouch! That's what I said when my husband hugged me this morning!! This new workout is going to take some adjusting to. I did upper body yesterday and lower today and since my legs were giving out when I left the gym, I'm pretty sure I'm NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO WALK tomorrow....LOL! This morning after my shower, I smeared YL's Orthosport massage gel all over my legs, so I'm hoping that eases it up a bit.
FITNESS MOVE: Step ups-so beneficial at getting that heart rate up and working those LEGS! Pop those headphones in with your favorite workout music, find some stairs or a nice sturdy, wooden box (that's what I used this morning), and get to steppin'!! You can just go up and down until you start to trip wink emoticon JUST KIDDING (but that's what I did this morning)... ...until you get your heartbeat up and really start to feel it in your legs. Then go two more songs and call it a leg day! I'd do a couple more exercises, but only 1 move per day!;-)
DIET TIP: Learn your plant-based proteins! Yes, meat and eggs are good sources of protein, but plant based protein in even better!! Wolfberries/goji berries are the fruit with THE highest amount of protein in them. Here's a great introduction to some of those... Remember the food you eat is the foundation of your wellness!
YOUNG LIVING SUPPLEMENT: While we're on protein, YL has some options for you! Pure protein complete is one of those. It comes in two flavors... waiting on mine this month to see which I like better!:-) COMMENT BELOW IF YOU'D LIKE TO TRY SOME AND I'LL SEND SOME TO YOU! Yes, it will look like some sort of drug, but no worries... it will taste like a yummy shake...wink emoticon
FOOD FOR YOUR SPIRIT: Philippians 3:12-14
"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: FORGETTING WHAT IS BEHIND AND STRAINING TOWARD WHAT IS AHEAD, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (emphasis mine)
We all have a PAST. Good, bad or ugly, we all have them. with parts that haunt us or are not beneficial to who we are as a person. I've got A LOT of all three in mine. We can look at those as weaknesses, or we can get the help we need to turn them into strengths and beat our enemy at his own game. "You intended to use to harm me, but God intended it for good..." (Genesis 50:20) YOUR PAST DOES NOT DEFINE YOU UNLESS YOU ALLOW IT TO IN YOUR OWN MIND. Does it have an affect? Yes. Does it shape you? Yes. Can it keep you from your best you? Only if you let it. Forget what is behind today and let God tell you that you are His and He has plans for you... He created you with great purpose. Take steps to get well today! If you need help getting there, PM me and I'll point you to any and all resources I have.
JAM of the day: Trip Lee's "SWEET VICTORY" (got to be in my top 3 faves):-)
***I am not a licensed professional. Please ask your primary care physician before starting any new workout program. None of the statements above are meant to treat, prevent, diagnose or cure anything.***
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