Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Jumpstart! Day 5

DAY 5: JUMPSTART! Hey, hey!! How is your January going so far? I'd LOVE to hear in the emoticon Have you been able to take any baby steps to getting well? Have you been maintaining your wellness? I hope so! When I start to see results from the things that I'm able to do for my wellness, I get SO EXCITED and want to help others do the same!! I want to help YOU do the same. If you have any area of wellness you're trying to improve and want help, LEAVE A COMMENT OR message me. Young Living may have something that can really benefit you! I was SO SORE this morning... again, and it was FREEZING, but the workout happened and afterward. I felt great! Worn out, but GREAT!
FITNESS MOVE: I'm going to stick with lower body today and suggest SQUATS and LUNGES for working your lower body. There are SO many variations of these!! They are super powerful at building strength in your legs! You do not need anything but yourself to do them. Here's a good workout with coaching throughout it. You will be sore, but that's good! Eventually you won't... if you don't emoticon
DIET TIP: Check out your pantry and refrigerator. What do you see in it? This can be frustrating and is hard to talk about because we live such fast paced lives, processed food is just the "go to" for easy and fast! I TOTALLY GET IT! I use processed foods when I need to. BUT, I want to encourage you to start changing things over... over to what, you ask? Over to REAL, WHOLE foods. Think about it. The things that are best for your body come from plants and some animals and are the least amount modified as possible, meaning in their most natural form. That is the food that is BEST for you. We are SO mineral and nutrient DEFICIENT these days! Yes, it CAN be more difficult to find these days, but I know you can do it!! Two things that I've done that may help... 1)Think about to WHOLE foods you can eat this week, go get them and eat them up. 2)Cut some of the processed stuff out!! A lot of the things that are the worst for us come in boxes, crunchy bags and plastic bottles. Yes, these types of things are OK once in a great while, but if you want your body to be well, LONGER, your pantry and kitchen are going to need to start to look different. Think FRESH and SHORT shelf life!!:-)
YOUNG LIVING SUPPLEMENT: Healthy eating is difficult these days!! I wanted to suggest a couple of bars that Young Living has that are EASY to grab and eat a snack on the go. They are natural, plant based and GREAT for you!! The slique bars taste WONDERFUL! I'll be tasting the wolfberry crisp bars I'm getting this month on my ER order.... waiting, waiting... I'll let you know how they taste! You can check them out HEREandHERE. One more thing. The slique bars come in CHOCOLATE COATED! AHHH!;-)
FOOD FOR YOUR SPIRIT: "...if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." Romans 10:9-10
The foundation of our wellness is spiritual. Have you noticed the MESS of a world we live in? We live in a fallen world. The Bible teaches that in the very beginning of time, sin came into the world and made a terrible mess. Since then, we've been separated from God... because of sin. Yes, we are a mess, not just the rest of the world. But the God who created us does not leave us without hope. The words above are what the Bible teaches about being saved from sin. It's THAT simple. It really is. Does that mean we'll never make a mistake again or never mess up BIG again... heck no. I mess up A LOT. What it does mean is that our eternity can be secure and we can live knowing that all is right with our creator. It just takes believing that what He did on the cross is our answer. That Jesus' death and resurrection have the final say against sin and death. Believe that today! Say it with your mouth. God will meet you there and this is a MAJOR step in the right direction of getting well! Message me if you have questions!:-)
JAM of the day: Canon's "MOTIVATION" Let me just say this song motivates emoticon ‪#‎jumpstartyourjanuary‬

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