Friday, January 1, 2016

Jumpstart Your January!

Hi Friends!! Happy New Year! I hope the first day of January 2016 has been kind to you! I'm kicking off the month with series called Jumpstart Your January and how it's a blessing to you! Wellness is something we all should value. May your 2016 your year of getting well! I periscopes today on getting off to a good start. It's my first scope!! Ahh! Starting the year off with a bang! You can watch it HERE!

I posted the following in Facebook, but in case you didn't see it, here's what the jump start content will look like.

LONG POST WARNING!!😊😊 First, wellness is not just about working out. It's about total, emotional, spiritual, mental, physical and social goodness!! I'm hoping you'll get some encouragement physically and spiritually with this JUMPSTART and that will spill over into your mental, emotional and social well being!! WHO'S WITH ME?! Each area of your wellness is intimately connected and affects the others more than we know!!

FITNESS MOVE: I'm keeping it simple to start with basic bicep curls. In my circuit I do 7 low (from hip to nipple line), 7 high (from  nipple line to shoulder) and 7 full (from hip to shoulder) slowly, with elbow back and tucked in. Will post today's circuit later!

DIET TIP: When I say diet, I mean what is going in your mouth as fuel. UP YOUR WATER INTAKE. We lose water through perspiration, respiration a DM elimination all day long. We need to replenish to help flush toxins out of the body! A study has shown that drinking 17oz of water at one time can boost metabolism up to 30% 10 mins after you drink the water!! Water also helps balance your appetite. HAPPY DRINKING!!

YOUNG LIVING SUPPLEMENT: You all know I'll start with my beloved NITRO. YL's Ningxia Nitro is something I drink before every workout. I can't even list all of it's benefits here but I'll list some. It's a berry based supplement which feeds your BRAIN! It contains C3G, an antioxidant that helps burn fat and aids in glucose uptake (helps balance blood sugar). Items packed with B vitamins which support energy production. I really wish I could list everything else, but that's for another time. You need NITRO in your life!!👍🏼😊

FOOD FOR YOUR SPIRIT: "I lift my eyes up to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

If you're a believer in Christ, the one who made the Heavens and the earth is your help!!! In this new year, may you know Him more then ever and depend on Him more then ever as your HELP. He loves you, desires relationship with you and LONGS to help you grow into who He made for you to be for His glory. As you move forward into this year and all the things set before you to achieve, lift you eyes to the hills and to Him and remember who your help is! If you are not a believer, please DM me so that we can talk how much God loves you!!!

Workout JAM for the day: New Drems, By Trip Lee😊


Oh you're wondering, our focus for the month with the kids is KINDNESS! The memory verse for the week is Ephsians 4:32.:-)

Here's to your BEST YEAR YET!! Hugs to you!

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