Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Jumpstart! Day 5

DAY 5: JUMPSTART! Hey, hey!! How is your January going so far? I'd LOVE to hear in the emoticon Have you been able to take any baby steps to getting well? Have you been maintaining your wellness? I hope so! When I start to see results from the things that I'm able to do for my wellness, I get SO EXCITED and want to help others do the same!! I want to help YOU do the same. If you have any area of wellness you're trying to improve and want help, LEAVE A COMMENT OR message me. Young Living may have something that can really benefit you! I was SO SORE this morning... again, and it was FREEZING, but the workout happened and afterward. I felt great! Worn out, but GREAT!
FITNESS MOVE: I'm going to stick with lower body today and suggest SQUATS and LUNGES for working your lower body. There are SO many variations of these!! They are super powerful at building strength in your legs! You do not need anything but yourself to do them. Here's a good workout with coaching throughout it. You will be sore, but that's good! Eventually you won't... if you don't emoticon
DIET TIP: Check out your pantry and refrigerator. What do you see in it? This can be frustrating and is hard to talk about because we live such fast paced lives, processed food is just the "go to" for easy and fast! I TOTALLY GET IT! I use processed foods when I need to. BUT, I want to encourage you to start changing things over... over to what, you ask? Over to REAL, WHOLE foods. Think about it. The things that are best for your body come from plants and some animals and are the least amount modified as possible, meaning in their most natural form. That is the food that is BEST for you. We are SO mineral and nutrient DEFICIENT these days! Yes, it CAN be more difficult to find these days, but I know you can do it!! Two things that I've done that may help... 1)Think about to WHOLE foods you can eat this week, go get them and eat them up. 2)Cut some of the processed stuff out!! A lot of the things that are the worst for us come in boxes, crunchy bags and plastic bottles. Yes, these types of things are OK once in a great while, but if you want your body to be well, LONGER, your pantry and kitchen are going to need to start to look different. Think FRESH and SHORT shelf life!!:-)
YOUNG LIVING SUPPLEMENT: Healthy eating is difficult these days!! I wanted to suggest a couple of bars that Young Living has that are EASY to grab and eat a snack on the go. They are natural, plant based and GREAT for you!! The slique bars taste WONDERFUL! I'll be tasting the wolfberry crisp bars I'm getting this month on my ER order.... waiting, waiting... I'll let you know how they taste! You can check them out HEREandHERE. One more thing. The slique bars come in CHOCOLATE COATED! AHHH!;-)
FOOD FOR YOUR SPIRIT: "...if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." Romans 10:9-10
The foundation of our wellness is spiritual. Have you noticed the MESS of a world we live in? We live in a fallen world. The Bible teaches that in the very beginning of time, sin came into the world and made a terrible mess. Since then, we've been separated from God... because of sin. Yes, we are a mess, not just the rest of the world. But the God who created us does not leave us without hope. The words above are what the Bible teaches about being saved from sin. It's THAT simple. It really is. Does that mean we'll never make a mistake again or never mess up BIG again... heck no. I mess up A LOT. What it does mean is that our eternity can be secure and we can live knowing that all is right with our creator. It just takes believing that what He did on the cross is our answer. That Jesus' death and resurrection have the final say against sin and death. Believe that today! Say it with your mouth. God will meet you there and this is a MAJOR step in the right direction of getting well! Message me if you have questions!:-)
JAM of the day: Canon's "MOTIVATION" Let me just say this song motivates emoticon ‪#‎jumpstartyourjanuary‬

Jumpstart! Day 4

DAY 4: JUMPSTART!! I am SO SORE!!!!! Ouch! That's what I said when my husband hugged me this morning!! This new workout is going to take some adjusting to. I did upper body yesterday and lower today and since my legs were giving out when I left the gym, I'm pretty sure I'm NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO WALK tomorrow....LOL! This morning after my shower, I smeared YL's Orthosport massage gel all over my legs, so I'm hoping that eases it up a bit.
FITNESS MOVE: Step ups-so beneficial at getting that heart rate up and working those LEGS! Pop those headphones in with your favorite workout music, find some stairs or a nice sturdy, wooden box (that's what I used this morning), and get to steppin'!! You can just go up and down until you start to trip wink emoticon JUST KIDDING (but that's what I did this morning)... ...until you get your heartbeat up and really start to feel it in your legs. Then go two more songs and call it a leg day! I'd do a couple more exercises, but only 1 move per day!;-)
DIET TIP: Learn your plant-based proteins! Yes, meat and eggs are good sources of protein, but plant based protein in even better!! Wolfberries/goji berries are the fruit with THE highest amount of protein in them. Here's a great introduction to some of those... Remember the food you eat is the foundation of your wellness!
YOUNG LIVING SUPPLEMENT: While we're on protein, YL has some options for you! Pure protein complete is one of those. It comes in two flavors... waiting on mine this month to see which I like better!:-) COMMENT BELOW IF YOU'D LIKE TO TRY SOME AND I'LL SEND SOME TO YOU! Yes, it will look like some sort of drug, but no worries... it will taste like a yummy shake...wink emoticon
FOOD FOR YOUR SPIRIT: Philippians 3:12-14
"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: FORGETTING WHAT IS BEHIND AND STRAINING TOWARD WHAT IS AHEAD, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (emphasis mine)
We all have a PAST. Good, bad or ugly, we all have them. with parts that haunt us or are not beneficial to who we are as a person. I've got A LOT of all three in mine. We can look at those as weaknesses, or we can get the help we need to turn them into strengths and beat our enemy at his own game. "You intended to use to harm me, but God intended it for good..." (Genesis 50:20) YOUR PAST DOES NOT DEFINE YOU UNLESS YOU ALLOW IT TO IN YOUR OWN MIND. Does it have an affect? Yes. Does it shape you? Yes. Can it keep you from your best you? Only if you let it. Forget what is behind today and let God tell you that you are His and He has plans for you... He created you with great purpose. Take steps to get well today! If you need help getting there, PM me and I'll point you to any and all resources I have.
JAM of the day: Trip Lee's "SWEET VICTORY" (got to be in my top 3 faves):-)

***I am not a licensed professional. Please ask your primary care physician before starting any new workout program. None of the statements above are meant to treat, prevent, diagnose or cure anything.***

Jumpstart! Day 3

DAY 3: I started a NEW WORKOUT today for the first time in over a year!!! JUMPSTART, RIGHT?! Last year's workout was a foundation builder. This year's is continuing maintenance and growth. It was HARD! But my body will thank me later.;-):-) It was also my FIRST day back to early morning workouts since my kid's break started, YUCK! My eyes were so heavy and those covers OH SO WARM when I woke up! But I chose to get up and get my blood pumping and I KNOW I'm having a better day NOW because of it. You can TOTALLY make the same CHOICE!! You've got this!
FITNESS MOVE: Tricep presses/kickbacks (we worked on bicep-the larger arm muscle, time to balance that out) I have a band that I stick above any door. Face the door, grab handles, start with elbows a little behind you and pull back until your arms are straight, then release until your hands are in front again and repeat. Add this to the bicep curls and do 3 sets of 15. If you want a band, check out amazon for workout bands! super inexpensive and easy to use ANY WHERE! If you want to do the tricep kick back instead, you can see that here.
DIET TIP: Get your greens in!! You HAVE TO! Your body needs to many vitamins and nutrients that are found in things like spinach, kale, dark leafy greens. You can add a hand full or two of spinach to a morning fruit smoothie and not taste it a bit!! No excuses!!;-) I have a ningxia blender which really helps because it makes the texture completely smooth. If you're blender is not that great, it could be stringy... YUCK!
YOUNG LIVING SUPPLEMENT: Sorry, I have two today!! Lemon EO and Grapefruit EO. These two are VERY inexpensive and have ENDLESS health benefits, including powerful antioxidants and metabolism support!! I took both as a dietary supplement in a capsule this morning, post workout. You can read more about them HERE and HERE. If you'd like to purchase them, contact me!
FOOD FOR YOU SPIRIT: "For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14
Did you know that God thought of you and created you? This is what the Bible teaches. God CREATES life in the womb. Yes, He's given us the pleasure of participating, but HE does the creating. HE SET THAT UP!! You are so valuable to Him. As you make good choices about treating your body well, you are taking care of the ONE BODY He gave you. And HIS WORKS ARE WONDERFUL!!! That means your body is WONDERFUL and needs your best efforts at caring for it. At times, we struggle with self-care because we do not realize our value. You are worth it! God says so!!
JAM of the day: Trip Lee's "Monolo" THIS JAM IS PERFECT MID WORKOUT... for me...wink emoticon ‪#‎jumpstartyourjanuary‬

Hugs and Love to you today! You've got this! Don't quit!

***I am not a licensed professional. Please ask your primary care physician before starting any new workout program. None of the statements above are meant to treat, prevent, diagnose or cure anything.***

Jumpstart! Day 2

DAY 2: TODAY has been about FAMILY FUN!! I don't do my workouts on weekends but I try to stay active. I get my REST in too! Today we took a trip to the Johnstown Children's Museum and made some
Memories with my little ones! My husband is gone unfortunately, but we were brave and got up and out and about and I'm SO glad we did! So here goes a couple of tips for JUMPSTARTING YOUR JANUARY:DAY 2!!
FITNESS MOVE: REST-yep! Your body needs it and it is an art these days! It really takes discipline to REST!
DIET TIP: Think of food as fuel. What are you fueling your body with? Where does it come from, what's in it and how do those ingredients affect your body? Eat to live don't live to eat!😉 This is especially difficult for me as I LOVE, rich, unhealthy foods! It's not that I can't have those, I just can't have them daily or I will not be healthy and well!
YOUNG LIVING PRODUCT: Slique Tea. It's something I just started trying this week and I have to say, I enjoy the flavor with a teaspoon of honey! It helps me avoid coffee drinking daily. Coffee lover here!🙋🏻 Too much caffeine reaks havoc on our bodies (messes with hormones and blood sugar balance)!! The tea also has some wonderful health benefits. You can check the tea out HERE.
FOOD FOR YOIR SPIRIT: "Do you not know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
The price was Jesus' life on the cross. He bought us. Paid for our sin and died to make a way for us to be reconciled with God! He gave us one body to honor Him with! Let's take the best care of it we know how and are able!!! Be cautious and thoughtful about what is going in it, on it and around it!😊For the believer, it is the Holy Spirit's living space.
JAM of the DAY: "My Story" By Big Daddy Weave...
Much love and hugs to you all today!

***I am not a licensed professional. Please ask your primary care physician before starting any new workout program. None of the statements above are meant to treat, prevent, diagnose or cure anything.***

Friday, January 1, 2016

Jumpstart Your January!

Hi Friends!! Happy New Year! I hope the first day of January 2016 has been kind to you! I'm kicking off the month with series called Jumpstart Your January and how it's a blessing to you! Wellness is something we all should value. May your 2016 your year of getting well! I periscopes today on getting off to a good start. It's my first scope!! Ahh! Starting the year off with a bang! You can watch it HERE!

I posted the following in Facebook, but in case you didn't see it, here's what the jump start content will look like.

LONG POST WARNING!!😊😊 First, wellness is not just about working out. It's about total, emotional, spiritual, mental, physical and social goodness!! I'm hoping you'll get some encouragement physically and spiritually with this JUMPSTART and that will spill over into your mental, emotional and social well being!! WHO'S WITH ME?! Each area of your wellness is intimately connected and affects the others more than we know!!

FITNESS MOVE: I'm keeping it simple to start with basic bicep curls. In my circuit I do 7 low (from hip to nipple line), 7 high (from  nipple line to shoulder) and 7 full (from hip to shoulder) slowly, with elbow back and tucked in. Will post today's circuit later!

DIET TIP: When I say diet, I mean what is going in your mouth as fuel. UP YOUR WATER INTAKE. We lose water through perspiration, respiration a DM elimination all day long. We need to replenish to help flush toxins out of the body! A study has shown that drinking 17oz of water at one time can boost metabolism up to 30% 10 mins after you drink the water!! Water also helps balance your appetite. HAPPY DRINKING!!

YOUNG LIVING SUPPLEMENT: You all know I'll start with my beloved NITRO. YL's Ningxia Nitro is something I drink before every workout. I can't even list all of it's benefits here but I'll list some. It's a berry based supplement which feeds your BRAIN! It contains C3G, an antioxidant that helps burn fat and aids in glucose uptake (helps balance blood sugar). Items packed with B vitamins which support energy production. I really wish I could list everything else, but that's for another time. You need NITRO in your life!!👍🏼😊

FOOD FOR YOUR SPIRIT: "I lift my eyes up to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

If you're a believer in Christ, the one who made the Heavens and the earth is your help!!! In this new year, may you know Him more then ever and depend on Him more then ever as your HELP. He loves you, desires relationship with you and LONGS to help you grow into who He made for you to be for His glory. As you move forward into this year and all the things set before you to achieve, lift you eyes to the hills and to Him and remember who your help is! If you are not a believer, please DM me so that we can talk how much God loves you!!!

Workout JAM for the day: New Drems, By Trip Lee😊


Oh you're wondering, our focus for the month with the kids is KINDNESS! The memory verse for the week is Ephsians 4:32.:-)

Here's to your BEST YEAR YET!! Hugs to you!